
Keynote Presentations at TSAPS Meeting 2020, Nov. 12-14, UTA

Nygren Abstract - The Strange and Noble Roles of Xenon in Modern Particle Physics

Cooley Abstract - Fantastical Dark Matter and Where to Find It

Coleman Abstract - Single-Layer Coupled Quantum Dot Lattices

Keynote Zank - The Genesis of Humanity's Galactic Adventure

Sham Abstract - The interplay of synchrotron light and nanotechnology - how it affects our daily life

Datta Abstract - Probabilistic Computing with p-Bits: Between a Bit and a q-Bit

Long Abstract - Increasing photosynthetic efficiency through genetic modification for sustainable and future-proofed crop yield improvement

Abstract Kotov - Emergence of Complexity in Chiral Nanoscale Assemblies and Graph Theory of Nanostructures

Ren Abstract - How Can Physicist Solve Real World Challenging Problems? – Two-Case Studies

Keynote - Fractal Universality in Nature

Invited Speakers for TSAPS Meeting 2020, Nov. 12-14, at UT Arlington